Der unerträgliche Standpunkt

Heinz Kobald

Startseite / ISRAEL / Der Abzug aus dem Gaza / Open Letter from Faculty Members
Open Letter from Faculty Members
für Herrn Joschka Fischer, zur Erinnerung an seine Rede

als Bundesaußenminister anlässlich der Entgegennahme
der Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Haifa am 29. Mai 2002 in Haifa/Israel

Open Letter from Faculty Members

We, faculty members from a number of Israeli universities, wish to express our appreciation and support for those of our students and lecturers who refuse to serve as soldiers in the occupied territories.
Such service too often involves carrying out orders that have no place in a democratic society founded on the sanctity of human life.
For thirty five years an entire people, some three and a half million in number, have been held without basic human rights.

The occupation and oppression of another people have brought the State of Israel to where it is today.
Without an Israeli declaration of an end to the occupation, accompanied by appropriate action --- unilateral, if necessary --- the present war is not being fought for our home but for the settlements beyond the green line and for the continued oppression of another people.
We hereby express our readiness to do our best to help students who encounter academic, administrative or economic difficulties as a result of their refusal to serve in the territories.
We call on the University community at large to support them.
Faculty members who wish to join are welcome to contact Anat Biletzki.

This letter is being updated. So far, 354 faculty members have signed it. Click here for a printable version.

11 Anat Ariel, Anthropology Haifa, University
20 Uri Bar-Joseph, International Relations, Haifa University
26 Yair Bauml, Eastern Asia, Haifa University
28 Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, Psychology, Haifa University
45 Devorah Bernstein, Sociology, Haifa University
48 David Blanc, Mathematics, Haifa University
110 Amit Gazit, Theatre Haifa, University
113 Avner Giladi, Middle Eastern, History Haifa University
132 Ilan Gur-Zeev, Education, Haifa University
133 Yossi Guttman, Social Work, Haifa University
141 Meir Hemo, Philosophy, Haifa University
156 Tali Itzhaki, Theatre, Haifa University
161 Deborah Kalekin-Fishman, Education, Haifa University
169 Tamar Katriel, Communication and Education, Haifa University
182 Vered Krauss, Sociology, Haifa University
184 Haggai Kupermintz, Education, Haifa University
189 Ron Kuzar, English Language and Literature, Haifa University
197 Micah Leshem, Psychology, Haifa University
203 Joyce Livingstone, Foreign Languages, Haifa University
233 Avraham Oz, Theatre, Haifa University
234 Nira Pancer, History, Haifa University
245 Kobi Peter (Peterzil), Mathematics, Haifa University
248 Roni Pisker, Theatre, Haifa University
274 Henry Rosenfeld, Anthropology, Haifa University
278 Ilan Saban, Law, Haifa University
279 Dalia Sachs, Occupational Therapy, Haifa University
280 Hannah Safran, Womens Studies, Haifa University
281 Michael Saltman, Sociology and Anthropology, Haifa University
324 Ilan Toren, Theatre, Haifa University
345 Michael Yogev, English, Haifa University
347 Yuval Yonay, Sociology, Haifa University

352 Moshe Zimmerman, History, Hebrew University


Open Letter from Faculty Members

15. August 2005 Heinz Kobald